Sunday 28 December 2014

Anime Harry Potter: They're what our generation grew up with.....

Hermione Granger: The brightest witch of her age!
"Twitchy little ferret, aren't you, Malfoy?"
The Golden Trio

Thedas: The Dragon Age Series!!

Alistair Theirin: The King Of Ferelden, and a Grey Warden.
"That's what I'm here for. To deliver unpleasant news and witty one-liners"

Varric Tethras: A dwarven merchant, story-teller and rogue.
"There's power in stories, though. That's all history is: The best tales. The ones that last. Might as well be mine."

Solas: An elven apostate Hedge mage. And boy, does he have a past....
"I have seen things in my journeys that most can only dream of. Literally."

Mass Age Sebastian Vael: A Chantry Brother, and The rightful Prince Of Starkhaven.
"Who better serves the Maker: a brother of the faith, or a prince who can sway a whole city?"

Leliana: A Chantry Sister, and an Orlesian bard.
"In the cloister, away from the fuss and the flurry of the cities, I found peace. And in that stillness, I could hear the Maker."

Vivienne: An Orlesian mage, and personal enchanter and adviser to Empress Celene.
"For those who value survival, sentimentality is not an option."

Marvel's X-Men

Kitty Pryde a.k.a Shadowcat: A mutant with the ability to phase through solid objects.
"Playtime is over, X-Men. You're about to see something else you're probably not ready for."

Jean Grey a.k.a. The Phoenix: A telekinetic mutant. Though she has a lot of other weird and scary powers too...
"We come into this world alone, and we leave the same way, the time we spend in between.... time spent alive, sharing, learning... together.... is all that makes life worth living."

Charles Xavier a.k.a. Prof. X: A telepathic mutant....
"Any dream worth having is a dream worth fighting for!"

Alison Blaire a.k.a Dazzler: A mutant with the ability to create illumination and manipulate photons.
"Call me Dazzler, darlin'. That's my name -- and that's what I do. Dazzle people."

Ororo Munroe a.k.a Storm: an atmokinetic mutant.
"I am a woman, a mutant, a thief, an X-Men, a lover, a wife, a queen. I am all these things. I am Storm, and for me, there are no such things as limits."

One of my most complex works....

I tried making photonegatives.......maybe I'll try it for all my sketches one day...

White On Black.....

My take on Harry's patronus: a stag....
I've sketched these using a silver glitter pen on black A-4....

The Silver Shadows.......

Dragons: my own personal tribute to my favourite RPG, Dragon Age!!


A Tale Of Two Cities: My favourite classic of all times......

A beautiful, well-written, and perfectly moving story.......another tribute to love....
Source: A Tale Of Two Cities by Charles Dickens(Great Illustrated Classics)

I've always had a thing for circles....

Coincidentally, I finished this the day India won the World Cup, April 2, 2011....

Abstract Patterns.....

An acknowlegement of the crown of palaces, The Taj Mahal....

A tribute to love, art, passion and so much more.......


I'm eternally grateful to Dan Brown for introducing me to such lovely art forms.......
Source: Angels and Demons by Dan Brown

I like to think it's a perfect background for a horror film.....

An evergreen conifer in the silver moonight.......

A collection of random sketches......

Saturday 9 August 2014

My name's Anneliese Grey.
I'm in college.
Basically, I draw. Mostly, black on white. But occasionally, I try white on black too.
Please like, or leave comments. Both positive and negative reviews would be appreciated.